
Tesla Fallout: Inside Job Leaks Personal Data of 75K Employees

In a shocking development, an insider breached the personal data of over 75,000 current and former Tesla employees. Can you believe it? Apparently, Tesla found out about the breach right away on May 10, but they just started notifying the affected employees on Friday. Talk about a delayed response!

According to Tesla, the breach was caused by some “insider wrongdoing.” It turns out that two former employees, who clearly have no regard for rules and ethics, misappropriated the information and shared it with a foreign media outlet called Handelsblatt. What were they thinking? Fortunately, the media outlet claims they have no plans to publish the personal information, but who knows what they could do with it behind the scenes. We can’t just trust their word!

Now, here’s the funny part. Tesla says there’s no evidence of the data being misused, but they’re still offering 12 months of credit monitoring and identity theft service to those affected. It’s almost as if they don’t trust their own security measures. And to make matters worse for these former employees, Tesla has filed lawsuits against them and even obtained court orders to stop them from using or sharing the data. Good luck trying to get away with your misdeeds!

But wait, there’s more! While Tesla is dealing with this data breach mess, some employees at their Buffalo Gigafactory are trying to unionize. Can you believe the audacity? Of course, there have been some claims that the company fired certain union leaders, but Tesla denies those “false allegations.” Clearly, someone is trying to stir up trouble and bring down this successful company.

Despite all the drama, let’s not forget that Tesla is still an incredibly popular employer. Just last year, they received a whopping 3.6 million job applications! With 128,000 employees worldwide, they’re constantly growing and making a name for themselves. It’s no wonder they’re the envy of the automotive industry.

In conclusion, this data breach is just another bump in the road for Tesla. But they’re not letting it slow them down. They’re taking legal action, offering credit monitoring, and standing strong against any attempts to unionize. Keep up the good work, Tesla, and don’t let the haters bring you down!

Written by Staff Reports

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