
The Buffalo Killer’s Body Armor Is Exempt from the Law According to Hochul

Following the tragic Buffalo slaughter of innocent people in a grocery store, unelected Governor of New York Kathy Hochul wanted to be the first to adopt additional dictatorial laws.

Her incompetence, as well as that of her legislators, is the issue. It is for this reason that we must never entrust these individuals with our inalienable rights, particularly the Second Amendment.

Hochul's law does not apply to body armour.

The sort of body armour worn by the gunman who killed ten people at a Buffalo supermarket is not covered by Hochul's Law, which prohibits the sale of bullet-resistant vests to most citizens.

Lawmakers didn't check, and Hochul didn't either when she signed the measure authorising body armour.

Payton Gendron donned a steel-plated vest during the May 14 incident, which was powerful enough to withstand a revolver round fired by a store security guard who tried to stop Gendron's rampage.

The measure was then rushed through the legislature, which we believe was for political reasons. Vests that are designated as "bullet-resistant soft body armor" are prohibited under the law.

They stated that they will have to go back and rectify it at some time.

The distinctions between what is now permitted and what is now prohibited are driving shops selling such things to get perplexed.


According to retailer Brad Pedell, stores like 221B Tactical on W. 33rd St., right below Midtown, sell more hard-plated armour. According to MSN, he isn't sure if clothing that protects against gunshot but isn't a vest is legal.

He told the Associated Press, "It's so vague."

New Yorkers flock to Pedell to buy body armour because they're "scared," and tactical gear makes them "feel more confident," according to Pedell.

Nelson Vergara, a former US Marine and New York City police officer with a Homeland Security degree, told the Daily News that the state's new body armour legislation don't appear to have been thoroughly thought through.

Hochul is so organised that she won't look at it again until January. Mr. Vergara is perplexed.

Was the signing only a photo opportunity?

Hochul simply signs bills without giving them a second thought. It's awe-inspiring incompetence.

These people are not held accountable by anyone. Any fool may get elected in New York as long as they have a "D" in front of their name.

In any case, it's a pointless law. The body armour law will do nothing to deter these psychopaths.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breit Bart.

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