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The Left Ignores Critical Truth That Could Change Everything

In the fantastical realm of political predictions, there lies a treasure trove of absurdities and outlandish forecasts. Just recently, a certain guru of gloom, Ruh Lynch—who seems to have made a sport out of predicting political mayhem—suggested that we should brace ourselves for a thousand politically related deaths by April. Ah yes, the much-anticipated sequel to the “What Could Go Wrong?” movie series. His theory? A leftist insurgency following a potential Trump victory. If there’s one thing that pairs beautifully with a peaceful American democracy, it’s the idea of giving the far left their very own revolution.

Now, let’s be honest. Predicting political violence is the kind of bold claim that should be taken with a gallon of salt, a larger-than-average life jacket, and perhaps a good lawyer on speed dial. Instead of panic buying canned goods and bottled water, maybe we ought to take a step back and reflect on the reality unfolding before our eyes. The left’s initial outpouring of rioting and destruction after George Floyd’s tragic incident gave them a chance to showcase their “unique talent” for chaos. However, as our crystal ball-wielding friend Lynch notes, there’s a limit to the public’s tolerance for property damage. Folks don’t appreciate the subtle nuances of anarchist artistry when it involves burning down their local Starbucks.

The keen observer of culture that we are can note that alternative media has fundamentally changed the dynamics at play. Gone are the days when an angry group could pull off a mass protest without the fallout landing squarely on their backsides. Social media has transformed the narrative. Nobody can simply shout “The establishment is against us” while remaining obscured by the darkness of oblivion. These days, anyone can point a smartphone at their favorite rioter and say, “Aha! We see you!” This isn’t a new episode of “Hiding in Plain Sight”—it’s the reality show no one signed up for, but everyone is watching.

Moreover, as much as some pundits may yearn for the good old days of drawing a rogue character on the national stage, we find ourselves unable to indulge such fantasies, especially when they lean towards the theatrical side. The left had their fun once—perhaps even twice—while setting the streets ablaze in their righteous quest for social justice. But history has a way of repeating itself, and there’s a lesson here: you only get to burn down a building once before people start wisely investing in fire extinguishers.

So, will the left descend into chaos in the wake of a Trump victory? Perhaps they might consider an alternative route—like, say, developing policies that resonate with moderate Americans and comforting us all with their newfound pragmatism. But we live in an age of irony where politically charged absurdities reign supreme. It doesn’t take a psychic to see that instead of reform, we’re in for more caricature and theatrics. Ultimately, while the left might still be clutching their popcorn in anticipation of a politically violent popcorn flick, those of us on the right will simply sit back and enjoy the chaos, but with a touch of humor and a hearty dose of reason because laughter, much like common sense, might just be our best defense against the impending wild ride.

Written by Staff Reports

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