
Theo Von Slams Biden’s Dementia Facade, Echoes America’s Alarm

Comedian Theo Von isn’t mincing words about his feelings for President Joe Biden, and he’s not the only one. In a recent social media post, Theo called out the charade of pretending that Biden doesn’t have dementia. His frustration is clear, and he’s not alone in his belief.

But what’s really going on behind the scenes? According to Von, Biden’s handlers are playing a sick game, trying to induce a kind of mass “Stockholm syndrome” in Americans. The theory is that they’re trying to make people sympathize with their captors, a disturbing tactic to say the least.

And Von isn’t the only one speaking out. GOP Rep. Greg Murphy, a licensed M.D., has also expressed doubts about Biden’s mental fitness for the presidency. He’s even gone so far as to suggest that Biden is being controlled by a “progressive left committee,” with Biden acting as a mere mouthpiece.

But the evidence of Biden’s mental decline doesn’t end there. Dr. Tanveer Ahmed, a psychiatrist, has pointed out Biden’s confabulation – a telltale sign of dementia-related memory loss – as potential evidence of a deeper issue.

It’s clear that the concerns about Biden’s mental fitness for office are mounting. And with so many people speaking out, it’s a topic that’s not going away any time soon. Whether the president’s team will address these concerns remains to be seen, but it’s certainly a conversation that needs to be had, for the sake of the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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