
Thompson’s Trump Trap: Dems Finally Admit Targeting Ex-POTUS

In a recent letter to House Administration Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, chairman of the House Jan. 6 Select Committee, finally fessed up to Republican lawmakers about sending records to prosecutors going after former President Donald Trump. That’s right, folks, Thompson straight up admitted to passing along evidence to go after Trump, even though he previously denied doing so. Talk about playing games!

Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, decided to come clean in response to requests from Republican lawmakers. You know those guys had to push and push for the truth like a stubborn donkey to get Thompson to admit this bombshell. It’s like pulling teeth with these Democrats, isn’t it? But hey, they finally got what they wanted.

The Republicans were all over this, launching an inquiry into whether the committee sent documents to help Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis build a criminal case against Trump. Oh, and guess what? Willis is a Democrat! Surprise, surprise. It seems like everyone’s against Trump these days, even within his own party.

House GOP investigators even found a letter from Willis requesting “recordings and transcripts of witness interviews and depositions, electronic and print records of communications, and records of travel” from Thompson. Thompson, of course, pulled out the old “I can’t provide you with those records” card and cited some House rule about keeping separate records. It’s like every time Republicans ask for something, the Democrats always conveniently have a rule to fall back on. Classic move.

And let’s not forget the good ol’ double talk from Thompson about how the committee worked so hard to “archive ‘official, permanent’ records consistent with” House rules. Translation: Democrats will bend the rules to fit their narrative, but when it’s convenient, they’ll use those same rules as a shield to protect themselves. It’s like the ultimate game of political dodgeball!

So, there you have it, folks. Another case of Democrats playing fast and loose with the truth, hiding behind House rules when it suits them, and trying to take down Trump at every turn. It’s like a never-ending soap opera in Washington, D.C. – and the drama just keeps on coming!

Written by Staff Reports

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