
Top Democrat Himes Suggests Biden Should Step Aside Amid Growing Discontent

In a miraculous moment of clarity, House Democrat Jim Himes finally had his epiphany mere “seconds after the presser wrapped.” The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee decided it was high time for Sleepy Joe to step aside. The clock struck reality for Himes as he dared to acknowledge the elephant (or perhaps donkey) in the room – even if Dems are union members, loyalty to the floundering Biden isn’t in their best interests. Himes may have realized it’s tough to defend President Wandering Aimlessly when even the teleprompter had given up.

Himes isn’t just any random member of the House; he’s the ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. One would think someone in that position would be able to spot disarray a mile away. Conservative folks might find this a tad amusing – when the person overseeing national security starts openly hinting that the ship captain (Biden) has missed the lifeboat drill, the ship might just be sinking faster than the Titanic.

Representative Anna Paulina Luna from Florida underscored the national security risks. She called out the “partisan nonsense,” pushing for seriousness when the man in Oval Office can’t even remember who his vice president is. It’s refreshing to see at least some on the Intelligence Committee can connect the dots between coherent leadership and national safety.

Himes took to social media to share his concerns about Biden risking his so-called legacy and American democracy by soldiering on. He probably fancies himself as the brave soul crying out in the wilderness, but reality check – it’s hard to “risk” something that’s already hanging by a thread. His lengthy post gave the usual song and dance about Biden’s “remarkable legacy,” before getting to the punchline: Biden needs to step aside. 


Even in warning Biden to leave the race, Himes couldn’t resist a good old-fashioned Trump bashing. Fearing the “horrors” of Trump’s MAGA movement, he touted the need for a stronger candidate. Evidently, Himes imagines some mysterious figure on a white horse who will emerge unscathed from the Democratic chaos to bring the country to utopia. Yet, he conveniently left out who that strong candidate might be. Perhaps he’s counting on the Easter Bunny?

Himes lamented on CNN about the “trajectory” of the Democratic campaign, expressing concern over Biden’s abysmal approval ratings. He pointed out that no president has won with a 37 percent approval rating and emphasized Biden’s lackluster performance in swing states. Himes also referenced another disastrous debate performance on the horizon, which would cement Biden’s legacy alongside other Democratic greats like Jimmy Carter. With this level of confidence, Democrats might as well test their luck with a coin flip.

In summary, it seems even the Democrats are waking up to the reality that they’re sleepwalking into electoral disaster with Biden at the helm. As the chorus of dissent grows louder, one can only wonder: will Biden finally heed the call, or will he continue to be dragged through the mud by his own party until November? Stay tuned, because this political soap opera isn’t over yet.

Written by Staff Reports

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