
Top Democrats and Media Admit Concerns Over Biden’s Cognitive Decline

In a recent exchange on Chuck Todd’s podcast, the truth about Biden’s cognitive decline finally came out. Todd and Politico’s Jonathan Martin revealed that top Democrats have been worried about Biden’s mental acuity for years. It’s been described as an “open secret” and a “simmering conversation” among party insiders.

The conversation delved into the reluctance of Democratic leaders to address Biden’s decline publicly. Todd shared an anecdote about a senior cabinet official expressing doubts about Biden’s ability to run for reelection two years ago. This further underscores the long-standing concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden’s mental fitness.

The revelation on Todd’s podcast only confirms what many conservatives have been saying all along – that Biden’s cognitive decline has been evident to those closest to him. Despite the media’s attempts to downplay the issue, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the reality of Biden’s mental state. 


The exchange between Todd and Martin serves as a stark reminder of the media’s role in shaping public perception. While some may try to deny the truth about Biden’s decline, the facts speak for themselves. The cover-up has been blown wide open, and it’s clear that the media’s complicity in hiding Biden’s cognitive issues is finally being exposed.

As conservative Americans continue to voice their concerns about Biden’s fitness for office, it’s crucial to hold the media accountable for their part in perpetuating the charade. The truth about Biden’s mental decline can no longer be ignored, and it’s time for transparency and honesty in discussing the president’s ability to lead.

Written by Staff Reports

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