
Trump and Biden Agree to Two Debates in 2024, Trump Wants More

In the 2024 general election season, the possibility of presidential debates was uncertain, with many people not expecting to see the major party nominees face off at all. But in a surprising turn of events, both candidates have committed to two debates, one on CNN June 27th and another on ABC September 10th. However, Team Trump is pushing for at least two more debates, though it is expected that the two agreed dates will be the extent of it.

Some people believe that President Trump’s aggressive performance in the first 2020 debate turned voters away, so it is suggested that Trump should tone down his behavior for the upcoming debates. The debate stage is an opportunity for Trump to reassure voters who may have had concerns about his behavior and character during his previous term. Setting low expectations for Biden could also be a mistake for Trump and Republicans, as it may play into the incumbent’s hands. The Biden campaign has rejected the structure and organization of the Commission on Presidential Debates, indicating a shift in the debate format.

Despite President Biden and his campaign’s leaks suggesting confidence in their polling position, green-lighting two debates may actually indicate nervousness about their standing. It is suggested that Biden’s team does not want the election to be a referendum on his presidency, and would prefer Trump to be in the spotlight instead. This may influence Trump’s timing for announcing his running mate, as historically, the VP choice is revealed after the conventions, but the accelerated debate timeline may prompt an earlier announcement. The first debate on June 27th is particularly significant, as incumbents have historically performed poorly in the first debate, potentially influencing the election outcome.

Written by Staff Reports

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