
Trump Battles CCP-Linked Factory in Michigan to Protect US Interests

Former President Donald Trump has stepped up to defend American interests by vehemently opposing a dubious electric vehicle battery factory proposed by a China-linked company in Michigan. The plant, which is being pushed by Democrats and subsidized by the government, is a project of Gotion, a subsidiary of a company with deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). While this scheme may sound like the latest “green” job creator in a Democrat fairy tale, the reality is more akin to a nightmare for the American workforce and national security.

In a recent post on Truth Social, Trump clarified that he is not only against this project but is “100%” opposed to it. His opposition centers on the notion that the Gotion factory would essentially hand over local economic power to the CCP in Beijing, a startling prospect for any patriotic American. Trump highlighted that this project risks putting Michiganders under the thumb of a foreign adversary while undermining American workers in the auto industry. The ex-president made it clear that should he return to power, he aims to bolster the American automobile sector and rid it of the so-called Green New Scam.

One can almost hear the echoes of laughter coming from Gotion’s executives as they revel in their new-found subsidy bonanza, all thanks to the Democrats. In April 2023, Governor Gretchen Whitmer and her cohort signed off on a shocking $175 million in incentives to get this venture rolling. Not to be outdone, Gotion is poised to tap into the tax credits from the Inflation Reduction Act, effectively forcing American taxpayers to foot the bill while foreign entities profit. Residents, however, are not laughing; many expressed their outrage by attempting to recall local officials who backed this dubious deal.

The story gets even juicier. Although Gotion’s vice president claims that the CCP has no sway in North America, their reports paint a different picture entirely. Fresh documentation reveals that Gotion benefits from government funding from the People’s Republic of China, and investigations have shown that Gotion High-Tech employs a significant number of CCP members right up to the CEO. Evidence even exists of Gotion High-Tech personnel engaged in Red Army cosplay while committing their loyalty to the CCP. This disturbing image perfectly encapsulates the risks of foreign entanglement.

As Congress gets involved, Republican lawmakers are pushing back against this insidious influence. The NO GOTION Act, led by Rep. John Moolenaar and others, aims to block any tax benefits for companies affiliated with the CCP and other hostile nations. Meanwhile, former CIA Director Leon Panetta has warned that the facility might be used to serve the strategic aims of the Chinese government, a situation that certainly raises alarms across the political spectrum. The irony of the Democratic narrative that frames opposition as xenophobic only highlights the lengths to which they will go to defend a project that many see as a Trojan horse for Chinese dominance in an essential industry.

Written by Staff Reports

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