
Trump Blasts Biden’s UN Speech as Ultimate Act of ‘Surrender’!

President Joe Biden addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, and true to form, he couldn’t help but push his favorite agenda items. The President rambled on about “equity,” which we all know is just a cover for socialist policies that punish hardworking Americans. He also wasted precious time talking about climate change, even though we all know that China and other major polluters continue to get a free pass.

But perhaps the most concerning part of Biden’s speech was his appeasement to China. Rather than standing up to the communist regime, Biden practically begged for their approval. It’s no wonder that countries like China and Russia decided to skip this year’s UN gathering – they know Biden is weak on the global stage. Even our closest allies, like the UK and France, couldn’t find the time to show up.

And let’s not forget the outrageous deal Biden struck with Iran just days before his UN address. He released five Iranian prisoners and handed over a whopping $6 billion in frozen funds, all in exchange for five American hostages. This is a disgraceful display of weakness and a clear indication that Biden is willing to put American lives at risk just to make a good impression on the international community.

It’s clear that Biden’s approach to foreign policy is all about appeasement and surrender. It’s time for real leadership that puts America first and stands up to our enemies. Hopefully, voters will remember this disastrous UN speech when they head to the polls in 2024.

Written by Staff Reports

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