
Trump Blasts Fox News Over New Poll Showing Him Trailing Biden

Looks like the drama has reached a new high, folks. Donald Trump has turned his gaze towards an unexpected target: Fox News. The former president is none too pleased with the network’s latest poll, which, to the shock of many, puts him behind President Biden for the first time this year.

Trump wasted no time tearing into the poll, alleging that it’s a complete sham. According to him, Fox News rigged the poll by sampling an unrepresentative group of voters, leaning heavily towards those who voted for Biden in 2020 instead of those who backed the MAGA movement. It’s the kind of twist that you could only expect in the world of establishment media shenanigans.

The reported numbers are indeed eyebrow-raising. The survey claims that 50% of respondents would cast their vote for Biden, while Trump lags slightly behind at 48%. When adding third-party and independent candidates into the mix, Biden still leads by one measly percentage point. Of course, neither Biden’s lead in the poll’s main racetrack nor this tiny margin surpasses the survey’s 3-point error rate. But does that quiet down Trump? Not a chance. 


Trump lashed out further, asserting that Fox News and its polls have never been friendly to him or his supporters. He didn’t stop there; he took a swipe at the network’s staffing decisions, suggesting an overhaul is overdue. Trump opined that they ought to show Paul Ryan the door and perhaps find a pollster who doesn’t have a magical, anti-Trump bias. Talk about shaking up the establishment.

The former president also highlighted a crucial detail those national numbers don’t show – he’s ahead in the swing states. The real battlegrounds, where elections are won or lost, paint a different picture. Trump reminded everyone that he’s leading in crucial states like Wisconsin, where he recently rallied his supporters, and Pennsylvania, where he’s gearing up for another show of MAGA force.

It’s worth noting that back in 2016, Trump trailed nationally but carried enough swing states to clinch the Electoral College and the presidency. Looks like history might have a funny way of repeating itself, but if there’s one thing to expect, it’s that Trump won’t stand still while the polls, faulty or not, have their say. The campaign trail is heating up, and it’s clear Trump’s strategy hasn’t changed: fight back harder.

Written by Staff Reports

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