
Trump-Carson 2024: Dream Team to Save America’s Soul!

In 2024, the people of America are going to witness the ultimate political showdown between good and evil, and the prophetically destined return of the one and only Donald J. Trump to the Oval Office. And if you’re anything like a true, God-fearing, freedom-loving American, you better be on your knees praying for this to happen because the fate of the country is at stake here!

But let’s not forget, folks, that Trump can’t do this alone. He needs a right-hand man to help him drain the swamp, build that darn wall, and stick it to those liberal snowflakes. So, who’s the lucky guy? Well, rumblings from the Great American grapevine — known as The Calvin Coolidge Project — are suggesting that the one and only Dr. Ben Carson may just be that guy!

And boy, oh boy, is the excitement palpable. X users are lighting up the internet with their approval, calling it an “absolutely amazing choice” and their “dream team.” And who can blame them? Dr. Ben Carson, with his blend of intelligence and humility, is the perfect yin to Trump’s yang. His medical expertise, loyalty to Trump, and unshakable faith make him the kind of guy who could school those liberal elites on how things should be done!

But wait, there’s more. You see, unlike those race-baiting, liberal media, we know that Carson’s race has absolutely nothing to do with his qualifications. It’s all about his character and intelligence, and that’s the gospel truth. And let’s not forget about those black voters — they’ve seen through the lies of the left and are flocking to Trump’s side, thanks in no small part to Carson’s influence.

Now, could Trump have picked anyone else? Maybe. But let’s not kid ourselves here; none of them would hold a candle to Carson. The man is the antithesis of that disaster Andrew Johnson, and we all know how that ended. With Carson by Trump’s side, this presidential dream team might just make history!

And here’s the kicker, folks. The liberal elites, those sellout advertisers, and anyone who doesn’t want to see America great again is trying to silence voices like ours. But your support — even just a single membership to The Western Journal — can help keep us fighting the good fight. Think of it as your way to stick it to those liberal elites and show your unwavering support for real American values! So come on, join the cause, and let’s make American great again.

Written by Staff Reports

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