
Trump Declines Third Debate With Harris Declares It a Waste of Time

Donald Trump has officially thrown in the towel on any potential third debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, declaring it a waste of time. Instead of engaging in another round of verbal sparring, he noted that Harris should probably focus on actually doing her job over the past few years. As far as Trump is concerned, the debate stage is not a reality TV show but more of a stage for serious dialogue—unless, of course, you’re Kamala Harris.

In a detailed social media post on TRUTH Social, Trump explained that his showdown with Harris during the recent debate was less about exchanging views and more like a wrestling match with the moderators. It’s a surprise he didn’t break out in a full-blown WWE smackdown. But he seemed to take it all in stride, as he claimed to be the undisputed winner based on polling data. Apparently, the voice of the people matters, unless it’s coming from the left.

Trump pointed to what he terms “Comrade Kamala Harris,” a jab that’s about as predictable as it is amusing. He noted that her immediate call for a second debate only showcases her desperation—kind of like a prizefighter who makes excuses after a match. The former president’s stance is that polls indicate he triumphed, which narrows down the conversation to as in-your-face as it gets for the left: they lost, move on.

In addition to jousting with Harris, Trump took a swing at the Biden administration, implying that both the President and the Vice President have become expert at wrecking the middle class and putting Americans through unnecessary pain. The chaos at the southern border was highlighted as yet another point on the scoreboard of poor governance by the Democrats. It almost seems like a magic trick: now you see the middle class, now you don’t.

As the clock ticks down to the next phase of the election cycle, Trump’s decision not to debate Harris again encapsulates a larger strategy. With the American people feeling the pinch from rising prices and a variety of other woes, taking the gloves off with more public debates might not resonate as well as directly addressing the issues at hand. Time will tell if this strategy pays off, but one thing’s for sure: those looking for a political circus might want to find a different show to attend.

Written by Staff Reports

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