
Trump Defies Media Spin as Approval Ratings Rise Amidst Democratic Meltdowns

During the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump not only trounced the Electoral College but also snagged the popular vote—a rare feat for a Republican in recent memory. While the Democrats were busy plotting their latest conspiracy theories and orchestrating ongoing meltdowns, Trump was racking up numbers that would make any sane candidate proud. Enter the media, as they feign shock over his supposed “weak approval” ratings at the beginning of his second term—despite evidence suggesting Trump is performing better than he did during his first term.

According to an analysis from 538, Trump’s approval rating currently sits at 49.8 percent, with only 42.8 percent disapproving. This translates to a net approval of +7.0, significantly better than the +3.2 he had at the start of 2017. One would think that a candidate experiencing a “weak” approval rating would be well below the halfway mark, yet the mainstream media prefers to act like it’s the end of the world for Trump, instead of celebrating an improvement in his numbers.

Of course, it’s no surprise the media is bent on downplaying Trump’s successes at every turn. Back in the early days of his presidency, they were in a frenzy over the unfounded Russia collusion allegations and claims that his election was illegitimate—a tactic that served as a diversion while Democrats buried their heads in the sand. Every poll shows that Americans are largely supportive of Trump’s marquee policies, from deporting immigrants accused of crimes to completing the southern border wall, yet the narrative continues to lean heavily in the direction of negativity.

What the headlines conveniently gloss over is that Trump’s approval capability is likely to improve, especially given the current political atmosphere. In stark contrast to his predecessor, Joe Biden, who started his term with a dazzling 53.5 percent approval that plummeted faster than a rock, Trump enters with a clearer agenda and real support from the public. When past patterns indicate a drop in approval ratings over time, this administration seems poised to defy the odds and perhaps even reverse the trend—especially as Biden’s administration continues to drag the country down a dark hole of incompetence.

One has to chuckle when reading about 538’s disclaimers hinting that Trump’s approval ratings could roll back down in the future. The stark reality is that the Trump White House is far from worried about an artificially negative media portrayal. Unlike the fumbling Biden administration, which seems to fumble around in the dark, Trump’s team is rolling up its sleeves and getting real work done in a way that resonates with Americans. This apparent eagerness to discredit Trump stands in stark contrast to the rampant admiration from the public that his presidency regularly enjoys. 


Amidst the media grab for attention, CNN even managed to catch wind of Trump’s rising fortunes just to underplay them. With some journalists trampling all over each other to show disbelief at Trump’s improved approval ratings, it becomes abundantly clear that the narrative is entirely driven by bias rather than reciprocated reality. The uptick in support for Trump and his policies is a clear signal to the American people that the former president is still very much in the game and ready to tackle the deep issues facing the nation, unlike the current administration that seems lost in the weeds.

The mainstream media might want to brace themselves, as it looks like Trump is engaging with the electorate in ways few, if any, of them anticipated. As approval ratings fluctuate amidst the usual media spin, it’s clear that Trump is still a formidable force, harnessing the support of the American public at a time when they are craving bold leadership rather than the confusion and chaos that has become synonymous with the Biden administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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