
Trump Dominates Georgia Primary, Legal Woes Be Damned!

In the race for the GOP nomination in Georgia, former President Donald Trump is leading the pack with a comfortable margin, despite facing a criminal indictment along with 18 of his allies for allegedly attempting to overturn the state’s 2020 election results. According to a recent survey conducted by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Trump is enjoying a commanding lead of 57% among likely Republican voters, with his closest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, trailing far behind at 15%.

The other Republican contenders are struggling to gain traction, with the majority of them stuck in the single digits. The survey revealed that 14% of the voters are still undecided, leaving room for potential shifts in support. Former Vice President Mike Pence sits at a mere 4%, while Vivek Ramaswamy, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie each garner only 3% and 2% respectively.

Interestingly, the survey also found that one-third of the voters currently backing Trump are open to switching their support to another candidate, indicating that there may still be an opportunity for the non-Trump contenders to improve their standing.

The survey was conducted by the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs and polled 807 likely GOP voters. It took place from August 16 to August 22. The indictment against Trump was handed down by an Atlanta grand jury on August 15.

Additionally, the survey revealed that half of the voters polled consider the charges against Trump to be either “very serious” or “somewhat serious,” while 44% view them as “not too serious” or “not serious at all.” The remaining participants were undecided. The poll has a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points.

As the race for the GOP nomination in Georgia heats up, Trump’s strong lead demonstrates his enduring popularity among Republican voters despite the legal challenges he’s currently facing. It remains to be seen if any of the other candidates will be able to gain significant ground and chip away at Trump’s commanding advantage.

Written by Staff Reports

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