
Trump Faces Stacked Deck of Bias in Chaotic Debate Night

The performance of Donald J. Trump during the recent debate was about as smooth as sandpaper, but was it really his fault? Not entirely. A deep dive into the backstage drama reveals that he was up against not just Kamala Harris but an entire Hollywood-esque line-up of adversaries. It was an Oscar-worthy setup, complete with special effects, courtesy of ABC News.

Trump, clearly frustrated, had a chance to wield his figurative lightsaber against Harris’s shaky verbal performances, but instead of dominating the stage, he let her play him like a fiddle. Rather than flashing his usual wit to dismantle her misleading points—about as numerous as a Kardashian family member—Trump seemed to take the bait and allowed Harris to distract him all night long. The outcome? Far from a victory lap, it was more like a regrettable sitcom pilot that should never see the light of day.

Then there was David Muir, the so-called “moderator,” whose presence could only be described as a master class in self-indulgence. His faux-serious delivery would make any actor in a self-referential movie proud. Muir’s opening remarks on the economy were about as relevant as a leftist in a small-town diner. Instead of pressing Harris to truly address the number one issue facing Americans—guess what, it’s not her “middle class” upbringing—he let her off the hook faster than Joe Biden asking for a nap.

This debate was a game of smoke and mirrors, where facts appeared to vanish quicker than a magician’s rabbit. Harris enjoyed the liberty to spout misinformation and falsehoods while the moderators practically served her a free pass. The crew’s blatant bias was unmistakable when only Trump got interrupted or had his statements fact-checked. The blatant double standard must have felt like a slap in the face to any real journalist—or, dare one say, a slap in the ratings as Trump’s supporters were left in disbelief.

And let’s not overlook the connection between Harris and her “sorority sister” on the panel, Linsey Davis. ABC News conveniently neglected key details about their friendship and instead, let Harris skate through critical questions. Unsurprisingly, when asked to address the state of the economy, Harris sidestepped, revealing more about her ability to dodge the tough stuff than her grasp of reality. The media’s cozy relationships certainly made for a farcical evening, where Trump was left with all the hard questions while Harris enjoyed a karaoke night of evasiveness.

Conservative voters watching must have felt like they were trapped in a maze, with no chance of escape from the pitfalls of bias and unchecked lies. Any glimmer of hope from Trump’s performance was overshadowed by the orchestrated chaos of the night. The mantra now echoes louder than ever: the mainstream media continues to play a game stacked in favor of the Democrats, with special friends in high places lending a helping hand. In a world where facts are alternatives and bias runs rampant, one thing is certain: Trump is fighting not just against opponents but against an entire system designed to ensnare him at every turn.

Written by Staff Reports

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