
Trump Gun Auction Causes Lib Meltdown, ATF on Alert!

Well hot dang! There’s a wild ruckus brewin’ over yonder at Mar-a-Lago and it’s got them libs all up in a tizzy! It seems a one-of-a-kind gun with former President Donald Trump’s face engraved on it was auctioned off at a charity event, and now folks are speculatin’ whether ol’ Trumpy is fixin’ to get himself in some legal trouble.

Now, them lefty media types over at MeidasTouch got hold of some video and photos showin’ the gun with Trump’s mug on it, and now everybody and their mama is talkin’ ’bout it. But hold on to your hat, ’cause The Western Journal ain’t verified none of this hullabaloo – but that ain’t stopped other outlets from gettin’ all hot and bothered about it too!

According to them MeidasTouch fellers, this here gun was auctioned off to raise money for a dog charity, and the bid started at a whopping $10,000. Lawd have mercy, that’s a whole mess of money for a gun with a famous face on it!

But now, here’s where things start to get as thick as molasses in January – seems like Trump, bless his heart, can’t legally buy himself a firearm nowheres in the good ol’ U.S. of A. on account of them four criminal indictments he’s got hangin’ over his head like a dark cloud on a stormy day.

And as if that weren’t enough, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (aka ATF) is throwin’ a wrench in the works too, sayin’ that folks under indictment like Trump can’t be buyin’ or sellin’ guns or ammo either. Well, I’ll be hornswoggled!

Now, them MeidasTouch folks reckon that if Trump owned that gun and knew it was bein’ auctioned off, well, he might just find himself in some hot water. But shoot fire, it’s all just a heap of speculation for now, and that lawyer feller from Palm Beach County, Florida is jawin’ on about how it could lead to a whole mess of legal trouble for Trump.

And dangnabbit, it’s got folks all riled up and wonderin’ if Trump knew about the gun sale or if it even belonged to him in the first place. The whole rootin’ tootin’ mess is leavin’ more questions than a pig in a poke!

Well, folks, it looks like the hounds are out on the trail for this here gun auction fiasco, and it’s got them lefty media waggin’ their tongues and foamin’ at the mouth. But who knows, maybe it’s all just a tempest in a teapot. Only time will tell, and until it does, y’all better hold onto your ten-gallon hats!

Written by Staff Reports

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