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Trump Issues Ad Against Clinton in Response to Former Campaign Manager’s Bombshell Testimony

Following the testimony of Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager that the former presidential candidate personally approved the circulation of misleading material, former President Donald Trump aired a new ad on Truth Social targeting former Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton.

An excerpt of Clinton’s speech from one of the presidential debates in 2016 is played at the beginning of the advertisement.

“It is awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country,” Hillary Clinton had said.

Donald Trump responded with “because you’d be in jail.”

The advertisement then shifts to a series of recent clips that break the news that Clinton herself personally approved the dissemination of the Trump-Alfa Bank connections to the media despite concerns of faulty evidence. The clips come from Clinton’s former campaign manager, Robby Mook, who testified in front of Congress.

“They tried to steal thee 2016 election by spreading the Russia hoax” the ad read. “Trump was right. Hillary fabricated the Russia hoax.”

The advertisement then shifts to yells of “lock her up” while showing images of Clinton, and then Trump’s voice can be heard proclaiming that “the collusion delusion is over.”

Mook testified on Friday in the case brought by special counsel John Durham against former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann that general counsel Marc Elias was the one who first informed him of the Alfa Bank situation. Mook also mentioned that the Clinton campaign was uncertain as to whether or not the data was legitimate. Mook testified that the campaign debated whether or not they should distribute the information to reporters, and that Clinton herself personally approved sending it out.

According to Fox News, Mook stated, “I discussed it with Hillary as well.” “I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, ‘hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter.’”

After that, he stated that “she [Hillary Clinton] agreed” to the information being distributed to the media outlets.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Daily Caller.

Written by Staff Reports

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