
Trump Launches Group to Win Over Black Voters, Narrows Gap with Biden

Former President Donald Trump has launched a new group aiming to gain the support of black voters, a key demographic that could be feeling disheartened by President Joe Biden. The Trump campaign made the announcement over the weekend, the same day Trump spoke at a predominantly black church in Detroit about the new coalition, with potential vice president picks Rep. Byron Donalds and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson by his side.

The campaign pointed out that Trump has made significant strides in improving the lives of black Americans, highlighting lower unemployment rates, increased median household income, and more funding for historically black colleges and universities. They also mentioned criminal justice reform efforts, such as the First Step Act, passed during Trump’s presidency.

The Trump campaign proudly listed numerous black supporters of the new coalition, including Diante Johnson, president of the Black Conservative Federation, who stated that Trump’s agenda led to positive changes for the black community, resulting in increased support for the Republican party.

Despite historic support for Democratic presidential candidates among black voters, recent polls show Biden’s lead over Trump among black voters has narrowed. This shift in support is evident in a Marist poll conducted in Pennsylvania and a Wall Street Journal poll showing an increase in black men planning to vote for Trump.

Trump’s announcement of the coalition comes shortly after Biden’s early celebration of Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the end of slavery, during which the DJ highlighted Biden’s accomplishments for the voting bloc, including the cancellation of college loan debts.

Written by Staff Reports

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