
Trump-Linked Lawyer Readies Bid For RNC Chair


The niece of RINO Mitt Romney, Ronna Romney McDainel has been a disaster for the Republican Party. It’s clear that she got the job because of an agreement Trump made with Mitt when he was passed over for the position of Secretary of State. Now, it appears that the deal has broken down.

Over the years, there have been many RINOs in the Republican Party, such as Ronna Romney McDainel. They have taken over the Grand Old Party.

It’s clear that she got the job because of an agreement Trump made with Mitt when he was passed over for the position of Secretary of State. It’s also clear that she got it because of the political power she has gained through her position within the Republican Party. On Sunday, it was reported that she might challenge Chris McDaniel for the position of chair of the Republican National Committee. With her appointment, it’s clear that the party will no longer be able to have any RINOs in its ranks.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has called for Ronna to resign from her position. It is clear that the Republican Party under her leadership has failed to capitalize on the opportunities that it could have gained due to the various issues that it has faced. One of these is the economic hardship that the country has experienced due to the pandemic, and the high inflation rate that has affected the party's chances of winning.

Despite the various issues that occurred during the election cycle, Joe Biden was able to maintain his position as the country's leader. The Republicans' failure to gain a large majority in Congress is very catastrophic. It shows that the country is drinking poison as this president continues to hold on to his last few months in office.


According to a report by the political news outlet, Politico, Ronna is facing a challenge from Harmeet Singh Dhillon, who is a member of the Republican National Committee and the firm that represents Donald Trump. A formal launch for the campaign is expected to take place within the next couple of days.

If Harmeet Singh Dhillon decides to challenge Chris McDaniel for the position of chair of the Republican National Committee, it will be the most serious challenge that he has faced so far. Also, Lee Zeldin, a former governor of New York, has said that he is considering running for governor. The CEO of MyPillow, who is a Trump supporter, has launched a longshot campaign to challenge the current chairman.

The time has come for new leadership within the Republican Party. Since Ronna Romney McDaniel has been in the position, the Grand Old Party has failed to make any gains. Due to Biden's economic mismanagement, voters are now looking for answers. This is an area of opportunity that the Republican Party could have taken advantage of.

The time has come for the Republican Party to get rid of the RINOs in its ranks. We must stop tolerating Romneys who have zero accountability. Harmeet Singh Dhillon has the necessary experience and leadership to bring new perspectives and solutions to the party.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Next News Network.

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