
Trump Plans to Deploy National Guard for Immigration Enforcement

President Donald Trump has recently talked about using the National Guard to help with deporting many immigrants if he gets reelected, sticking to his tough stance on immigration that got him elected in the first place.

During an interview, Trump said he would have no problem using the National Guard for this task if he felt the situation was getting out of control. He believes in having safety and law and order in the country, and he thinks the National Guard can help with that. 


It’s important to note that using National Guard forces, or active-duty military, to help directly with deporting migrants, especially in the interior of the country, would be a big step up in their use in immigration matters and could face legal challenges.

In the past, presidents have used National Guard troops to strengthen border security and help with immigration tasks, but in restricted ways such as data entry, surveillance, or logistical support. When it comes to finding and removing people from the country, that’s usually the job of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Using active-duty service members for law enforcement inside the U.S. is usually not allowed by federal law unless Congress specifically agrees to it.

Trump’s tough stance on immigration has been a key part of his campaign, just like it was when he first ran for president. He has promised to stop birthright citizenship and reinstate his travel ban that targeted some Muslim-majority countries.

Overall, Trump’s statements show that immigration will continue to be a major issue in the upcoming election.

The original article stated that Donald Trump shared with Time magazine in an interview his plans to use the National Guard to help with deporting immigrants. The article mentioned that historically, presidents used troops, primarily National Guard forces, to strengthen border security and help with immigration tasks. It also mentioned the legal and logistical challenges faced in using National Guard forces or active-duty military for deportation operations. The article also provided insight into the restrictions on using active-duty service members for law enforcement inside the U.S. It mentioned how Trump’s stance on immigration has been a central aspect of his campaign promises, like stopping birthright citizenship and reinstating the travel ban on some Muslim-majority countries.

Written by Staff Reports

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