
Trump Rakes in $7M, Crushes Indictment Farce! Dems Tremble In Fear

President Trump has once again proven that he is a fundraising powerhouse, raising an impressive $7 million within days of being indicted by the biased and politically motivated Special Counsel Jack Smith. This is not the first time that President Trump has shown his incredible ability to rally his supporters and draw in donations in response to the baseless attacks against him.

The Trump campaign released a statement on the massive fundraising numbers, highlighting the incredible support that the former president continues to receive from the American people. The statement also called out the corrupt weaponization of the justice system by the deep state and the Democrats, who are so desperate to keep hold of their power that they are resorting to these dirty tactics.

Despite the relentless attacks against him, President Trump remains the most popular and beloved political figure in America today. His message of fighting against the corrupt deep state and the swamp resonates with millions of Americans who are looking for a leader who will put America first and restore the nation to its former glory.

The allegations against President Trump are absurd and unsubstantiated. In fact, his attorney Christina Bobb has made it clear that he was completely authorized to possess the classified materials in question and that it is the Department of Justice who mishandled the situation. This is just another example of the witch hunt that Trump has endured for the past several years, and it only serves to reinforce his position as the rightful leader of the conservative movement.

President Trump’s incredible fundraising numbers are a testament to the fact that he has an unwavering base of supporters who will stand with him through thick and thin. It is clear that the American people are fed up with the lies and corruption of the Democrats and are ready to fight back against their attempts to destroy our great nation. President Trump is the only candidate who can beat Joe Biden in the next election, and we are confident that he will once again emerge victorious thanks to his incredible leadership and unwavering support from the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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