
Trump Slams MSDNC CEO as “Slimeball” – More Shocking Truths Exposed!

In an unsurprising turn of events, former President Donald Trump has set his sights on MSNBC and its CEO, Brian Roberts. On Truth Social, Trump unleashed a scathing attack, accusing Roberts of misusing government-sanctioned airwaves to launch non-stop attacks against him and the Republican Party. And folks, he’s got a point!

MSNBC, or as Trump likes to call it, MSDNC, has been operating freely under the protection of the government, spreading lies and spewing liberal propaganda 24 hours a day. It’s no secret that they have an agenda, and it’s not one that aligns with the values of everyday Americans.

Trump didn’t hold back in his criticism of Roberts, labeling him a “slimeball” who endorses illegal activity at the network. And let’s be honest, calling someone a slimeball is an accurate description for someone who allows hosts to make outrageous claims like putting Trump in jail, comparing him to Hitler, or even suggesting he should be shot. It’s sickening!

But here’s the real kicker, folks. MSNBC’s biased coverage and constant attacks on Trump and the Republican Party is essentially a massive political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats. They are using their platform to interfere in elections and push their harmful agenda. And what does the so-called “government” do about it? Nothing!

It’s high time that the government cracks down on these partisan networks and holds them accountable for their illegal political activities. We need to protect the integrity of our democratic process and ensure that fair and balanced reporting is the standard. Trump promised that there is “much more to come,” so let’s hope the hammer of justice falls hard on MSNBC.

The article also brings up the issue of “fake news” and the suggestion that stripping networks like NBC of their licenses could solve the problem. While this may seem like a viable solution, unfortunately, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has declined to regulate news programs on its airwaves since the end of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. So, we are left with these biased networks freely spreading misinformation without consequence.

However, hope is not lost. If Trump were to return to the White House, he would have the power to influence the FCC and potentially make meaningful changes. The chairman of the agency’s board is selected by the president, and the commissioners are appointed jointly by the president and the U.S. Senate. Just imagine the impact Trump could have on holding MSNBC accountable for their deceitful practices.

In the meantime, Trump can continue to use MSNBC as a favorite punching bag on the campaign trail. He can rightfully highlight the network’s infamous hit jobs on him, from baselessly suggesting he would control the Justice Department’s authority to calling for a new Patriot Act to target conservatives. It’s clear that MSNBC is in dire need of a reality check, and Trump is just the man to deliver it.

So keep your eyes and ears open, folks. The battle against biased liberal media is far from over, and with Trump leading the charge, there’s no telling what victories lie ahead for the conservative movement. Stay tuned, and remember to always question the narrative pushed by these partisan networks.

Written by Staff Reports

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