
Trump Soars Past Biden by 10 Points, Dems Panic & Dismiss Poll

The Democrats have once again shown their knack for histrionics, this time over a poll conducted by ABC News and the Washington Post. The poll revealed that former President Donald Trump has surged ahead of President Joe Biden by a staggering 10 points, leaving the Democrats in a state of panic.

But it seems the esteemed Larry Sabato, the so-called political scientist, decided to dismiss the poll as an “outlier.” Of course, he scoffed at Trump supporters for daring to cite such a poll, claiming that it is nothing more than a laughable embarrassment. Well, Mr. Sabato, maybe it’s time for you to take a closer look at reality.

But he wasn’t alone in his delusional thinking. The New York Times’ chief political analyst, Nate Cohn, also joined the chorus of liberal media voices downplaying the significance of the poll. He even had the audacity to suggest that the repeated release of “outlying” poll results should not be dismissed. Sorry, Mr. Cohn, but the American people are not foolish enough to buy into your attempts to invalidate a poll that doesn’t suit your narrative.

It’s no surprise that Sabato has a long history of spewing leftist talking points. He has previously claimed that President Trump is mentally unbalanced and “governs on the edge of insanity.” It’s clear that he is willing to go to any length to discredit Trump and his supporters. But his dismissal of criticism from Republicans only highlights his arrogance and refusal to accept any opposing viewpoints.

In a bizarre exchange with The New Republic, Sabato brushed off the criticism as nothing more than an attempt at intimidation. According to him, attacking him is a way to send a message to others who may dare to speak out against the liberal agenda. How noble of him to play the victim card while ignoring the fact that his own reckless statements have consequences.

It’s time for Sabato and his liberal media cohorts to face the truth. Trump’s popularity is soaring, and Biden is sinking. The American people are waking up to the disastrous policies of the Democrats, and no amount of poll dismissing or personal attacks will change that. It’s time for the Democrats to stop being melodramatic and start listening to the will of the people. But, of course, that would require them to put their egos aside and embrace reality – something they seem unwilling to do.

Written by Staff Reports

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