
Trump Steamrolls GOP Rivals in NH Poll, DeSantis Derailed!

Another day, another poll – and this time it’s in New Hampshire, the first-in-the-nation primary state. And guess what? Former President Donald J. Trump is still basking in the glow of his unassailable lead in the GOP primary, with a whopping 49% of the vote. Soak it in, folks – it looks like Trump Train is still chugging along with no signs of stopping. Choo choo!

But wait, there’s more! Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is making some waves too. She’s jumped from 4% to a solid 18% in the latest poll. It seems like her performance in the debates did wonders for her popularity. Maybe she’s onto something here.

On the other hand, poor Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis seems to be struggling. The latest poll has him knocked into fourth position, behind Trump, Haley, and even former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Ouch! Could this be the end of the road for DeSantis’ presidential aspirations? It’s not looking too good for him. Maybe he should stick to governing Florida for now.

And let’s not forget about Chris Christie. Sure, he’s been a bit of a non-factor lately, but he’s managed to hold steady at 9%. Not bad for someone who’s been out of the game for a while. Maybe there’s still some fight left in the old dog, after all.

It’s not just the candidates’ standings that are causing a stir. It seems like the demographics are playing a role too. According to the poll, Nikki Haley seems to be attracting older voters and those with postgraduate degrees. She’s definitely making some strategic moves in the game.

But hold up, folks! This poll was conducted before Haley’s infamous Fox News interview, where she made some controversial remarks about social media verification. And let’s just say, her comments didn’t sit too well with some folks. Even Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk threw some shade her way. Yikes! This could shake things up a bit.

In the end, it’s just another day in the wild world of politics. Polls come and go, candidates rise and fall, and drama is always around the corner. It’s like a never-ending reality show, and we can’t seem to change the channel. Well, buckle up, folks – it’s going to be a bumpy ride to the next election.

Written by Staff Reports

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