
Trump Supporters Court Arab Americans in Michigan Amid Biden Critique

In Michigan, Donald Trump’s supporters are reaching out to Arab American voters who are not happy with President Joe Biden’s backing of Israel. Massad Boulos, a businessman from Lebanon, is leading the effort. He is using his connections in the Arab American community and meeting with its leaders in Michigan, where many Arab American Democrats are dissatisfied with Biden.

However, Trump’s potential to win over Arab Americans may be limited. Many are still upset with Trump’s ban on immigration from certain majority Muslim countries while he was president, as well as other remarks they find offensive. Trump has also criticized Biden for not being a strong enough supporter of Israel.

Boulos first became involved in U.S. politics in 2019 when he met Trump, and his involvement has grown this year as Trump’s allies aim to take advantage of divisions within Biden’s Democratic base. He is working closely with an organization called Arab Americans for Trump, which is operating in Arizona and Michigan.

Boulos and his son traveled to metro Detroit with Richard Grenell, a key foreign policy adviser to Trump, to meet with Arab American activists. They have also been meeting with prominent community leaders and organizing larger gatherings, but there are doubts about the impact of these efforts.

Some Arab American community members are skeptical of Boulos’s outreach, saying that he has not offered substantial reasons for the community to support Trump. Michigan has a significant Arab American population, and both major parties have been focusing on courting their vote. Michigan is expected to play a crucial role in the presidential election.

Biden won the state in 2020, but Trump had won Michigan by a slim margin in 2016. More than 100,000 Michigan Democratic primary voters cast ballots for “uncommitted” in February, enough to pick up two delegates. Boulos is the latest relative to become involved in Trump’s political circle, but some Arab American leaders are looking for more concrete policy promises rather than personal connections to Trump.

While Boulos claims his outreach efforts are more of a personal effort to reconnect with friends, some attendees are looking for assurances on future policy. They believe only Trump can discuss his policy.

Written by Staff Reports

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