
Trump Targeted Again: Dems Launch 3rd Indictment!

In a shocking turn of events, former President Donald Trump has just revealed some disturbing information. It appears that he has become the target of yet another investigation related to the events of January 6th. Can you believe it? The Democrats just can’t seem to let go of their obsession with going after Trump.

According to Trump, he received the news from “deranged Jack Smith,” who is part of the Biden Justice Department. Talk about a biased investigation! This Smith character sent a letter, giving Trump a mere four days to report to the Grand Jury. We all know what that means, don’t we? It’s practically a guarantee of an arrest and indictment!

But let’s be real for a moment. This is nothing more than a desperate attempt by Joe Biden’s administration to take down their number one political opponent. They just can’t stand the fact that Trump is still dominating them even after leaving office. So what do they do? They cook up another indictment!

And it’s not just one, folks. Trump is now facing his third indictment. This is unprecedented. No president in the history of our great nation has ever been subjected to such unfair treatment. They spied on his campaign, concocted a fake dossier, and even impeached him twice. But they couldn’t find anything substantial. It’s all just one big witch hunt!

Not to mention the complete and total politicization of law enforcement. It’s clear that the Biden administration is using these investigations as a weapon to interfere with future elections. This is an absolute abuse of power, and it’s a dark period for our nation.

Now, we must stress that this is still developing news, and we’ll keep you updated on any new developments. But let’s not forget the big picture here: Trump is being targeted once again by the left, who just can’t accept the fact that he won not only once but twice. It’s time to stand up against this unjust treatment and support our former president. We need to fight back against this politically motivated harassment!

Written by Staff Reports

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