
Trump Toys with Critics: Aces Test, Mocks Biden’s Strings

Former President Donald Trump made it clear on Monday that he’s still sharp as a tack and loving every minute of it. He got a good laugh out of recent reports where it seemed like he mixed up former President Barack Obama with President Biden at some campaign events. Trump insisted it was all just a bit of sarcastic humor, trying to give Biden a little nudge about who’s really pulling the strings. But of course, his political opponents jumped all over it, analyzing the clips like it was the latest big hit at the movies.

The 45th president didn’t take the accusations lying down. He called out Governor Ron DeSantis and the “Radical Left Disinformation Machine” for running wild with the idea that he doesn’t know who the current president is. Trump fired back, saying he knows both names very well and never mixes them up. He even boasted about “acing” a cognitive test during his recent physical exam, just to stick it to his critics.

Not content to leave it there, Trump took a potshot at Biden, suggesting the 46th president should take a cognitive test too. He labeled Biden’s policies as “CRAZY” and listed off things like open borders, no energy independence, and a “woke” military as reasons why he thinks a test might be in order.

To add more fuel to the fire, last week Trump released a letter from his doctor raving about his “excellent” health and weight loss. The letter didn’t have much detail about his actual examinations, but it did hint that Trump might be eyeing the record for the oldest sitting president in history if he wins in 2024.

Meanwhile, the former President’s big sister recently passed away at the age of 86, while Biden, who’s 81 now, would be 86 at the end of a potential second term. Republicans have been poking fun at Biden’s age for a while, pointing out his slip-ups and awkward moments in public appearances. So, it’s no wonder that Trump is having a good laugh at the whole mix-up rumors. After all, who wouldn’t want to kick back and enjoy a good chuckle after acing a cognitive test and throwing some shade at their political rival all in one go?

Written by Staff Reports

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