
Trump Triumphs as Judge Cannon Schools Jack Smith

In a not-so-surprising turn of events, a Florida federal judge has unleashed her fury on the Biden Justice Department’s special counsel, Jack Smith. It seems that Smith had the audacity to accuse former President Trump of trying to “manipulate” the judge by requesting another delay in his Mar-a-Lago case. Well, Judge Aileen Cannon was having none of it.

She confirmed that Smith’s argument about the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) was nothing more than a “broad and unconvincing theory.” Apparently, Smith has been desperately trying to keep Trump from accessing the evidence being used against him by claiming national security concerns. But Judge Cannon saw through his scheme and called it out for what it was – an attempt to restrict the defense attorneys from reviewing the classified discovery.

Now, I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that Smith is playing fast and loose with the law. He’s twisting the CIPA to fit his own agenda and preventing Trump’s legal team from presenting a proper defense. This is just another example of the Biden Justice Department’s blatant bias against conservatives.

But there may be a silver lining for Trump. Judge Cannon is expected to grant a delay in the case, which would push the trial start date past the 2024 presidential election. You can bet that Trump is breathing a sigh of relief. If he can avoid a trial until after the election, it could give him a chance to make a political comeback. And we all know how much the liberals love to hate that idea.

Conservative reporter Julie Kelly has rightfully pointed out that Smith is to blame for this delay. After all, he’s the one who brought two federal cases against Trump within two months of each other. And on top of that, he’s bombarded Trump’s legal team with over 1.3 million documents and thousands of hours of video surveillance from Mar-a-Lago. It’s no wonder the former president’s lawyers are crying foul.

Trump has maintained his innocence from the beginning, insisting that the documents found in his Florida home were declassified under the Presidential Records Act. And frankly, I believe him. This whole case reeks of political vendetta and a desperate attempt to take down one of the most successful conservative presidents in history.

In the end, it’s clear that Smith and the Biden Justice Department are willing to bend the rules and manipulate the system to go after their political opponents. But let’s hope that Judge Cannon sees through their charade and delivers a fair trial for the 45th president. Because if she doesn’t, our justice system will once again prove that it’s broken and biased. And that’s the last thing we need in these tumultuous times.

Written by Staff Reports

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