
Trump Triumphs: Michigan High Court Crushes Left’s Coup on Ballot!

In a stunning blow to the radical left’s continued efforts to undermine democracy, the Michigan Supreme Court has heroically upheld the decision to keep former President Donald Trump on the state’s primary ballot for 2024. You heard that right, folks! Despite the left’s desperate attempts to twist the law to fit their own narrative, the Michigan Supreme Court made it crystal clear that Trump will not be silenced!

We all know the far-left legal organizations have been working overtime to strip Trump from the primary ballot in a shameless power grab. But the Michigan Supreme Court saw right through their devious scheme! These left-wing groups have been citing some obscure section of the 14th Amendment, claiming Trump’s alleged “insurrection” on January 6th, 2021 should disqualify him from running for federal office. It’s just ridiculous! The man hasn’t even been charged, let alone convicted of any such nonsense.

And get this – in Colorado, they actually went ahead and pulled Trump off the ballot! Outrageous, right? But fear not, patriots, because Trump is not backing down. He’s taking the fight all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The man is a warrior for the people, standing tall against these left-wing attacks on our democracy.

Now, here’s where it gets good. The Michigan Supreme Court looked at what happened in Colorado and said, “Nope, not on our watch!” They pointed out some very important differences in election laws between Michigan and Colorado, giving a big, bold “NO” to the left’s attempt to remove Trump from the ballot. It’s like they said, “Not today, lefties!”

But it doesn’t stop there! A super left-leaning group had the audacity to appeal a previous court ruling that rightly concluded the secretary of state in Michigan doesn’t have the power to kick Trump off the ballot. Thankfully, the Democrat-controlled high court shut them down, saying, “We’re not even entertaining this nonsense.” You tell ’em, Michigan Supreme Court!

So, what’s next for Trump? Well, with this huge legal win in his pocket, he’s ready to face off against the multiple other ballot challenges coming his way. The man is a force to be reckoned with, and the left better start shaking in their boots because Trump isn’t going anywhere!


Written by Staff Reports

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