
Trump Triumphs: We’re Thriving While The Left Clings On!

In a world where the left constantly sneers at hardworking Americans, Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men North of Richmond” stands out as a powerful anthem for the forgotten people who keep this country running. The left can try to dismiss Anthony as a product of “behind-the-scenes forces,” but the truth is that he is a genuine voice for the working class.

It’s no surprise that Anthony’s song has gone viral. It resonates with the millions of Americans who go to work every day because they need that paycheck to survive. These are the people who are tired of having their hard-earned money taken from them by the government. They are the backbone of this country, and they have found a voice in Oliver Anthony.

The left loves to deride these hardworking Americans as ignorant, racist, and homophobic. They look down on those who didn’t go to college and work in the trades. But what the left fails to realize is that they need us. We don’t need them.

We are the ones who grow your food, harvest lumber, and quarry stone for your homes. We are the ones who transport you, fix your cars, and help you when you’re stranded. We are the ones who keep you warm by working in the oil fields and building pipelines. The left may demonize us for our contributions to “climate change,” but the United States is leading the way in reducing carbon emissions thanks to cleaner fuels and increased efficiencies brought to you by the very workers they look down on.

We are the people who produce, who provide goods and services that the urban left cannot get along without. They may try to belittle us, but they should always remember one thing: they need us. We don’t need them.

Oliver Anthony speaks to us, he speaks for us, and we will continue to support him. His song is a reminder that our voices matter, and that the hardworking people of this country will always have a place in America.

Written by Staff Reports

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