
Trump Trumps DeSantis Florida Swings in Favor of the Kingmaker

It’s a showdown in Florida as U.S. Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) throws his support behind former President Donald Trump, leaving Governor Ron DeSantis in the dust. In an op-ed for Newsweek, Senator Scott boldly declares that only the almighty Trump can save America from the wreckage caused by President Joe Biden’s disastrous leadership.

With fiery conviction, Scott states, “I am optimistic that we can return America to its rightful position of economic and military strength and the undisputed moral leader of the free world, but only with strong leadership in the White House.” He passionately urges his fellow Republicans to unite behind Trump’s mission to regain the White House, and to stand as one against Biden’s grip on power.

Scott harkens back to the glory days of Trump’s presidency, painting a picture of booming economy, newfound energy independence, and silenced dictatorships. He reminds his readers that it was under Trump’s strongman leadership that the Middle East found a rare moment of tranquility.

In Scott’s eyes, America is shrouded in darkness, with morning’s light nowhere to be found. But fear not, for there is a chosen one who possesses the strength to lead America back into the light. That chosen one, according to the senator, is none other than the indomitable Donald Trump.

By openly snubbing Governor DeSantis, Scott only adds fuel to the fire of speculation that DeSantis lacks the necessary relationships within the Republican Party. The majority of Florida’s GOP congressional delegation have already pledged their allegiance to Trump, with some even taking up arms in his defense at rallies, debates, and on cable news.

So, as the battle for the soul of the Republican Party rages on, one thing is clear: Senator Rick Scott has cast his lot with the Trump train, leaving Governor DeSantis to find his own way home. Whether this decision proves to be a winning move or a political miscalculation remains to be seen.

Written by Staff Reports

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