
Trump UNLEASHES After Bombshell J6 Footage Airs on Carlson

Late on Monday night, Former President Donald Trump vented his frustration with the January 6th committee on Truth Social. He expressed his admiration for Tucker Carlson, who he believed had made "one of the most significant revelations as a reporter in U.S. history." The 45th president went on to demand that all members of the J6 committee be held accountable for their actions and prosecuted. The tone of his post was scathing.

Several never-before-seen clips from the January 6th protest were revealed by Carlson, which has caused great concern about the truthfulness of the January 6th committee. Trump strongly asserted that the Unselect Committee had been "LIED and should face legal consequences for their actions." He described the committee as a "giant scam" and accused them of being "CRIMINAL FABRICATORS" of the most significant day in U.S. history.

Along with criticizing the January 6th committee, Trump directed criticism towards Republican Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), accusing them of "falling short on security measures." Furthermore, he expressed his distress over Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick's portrayal in Carlson's segment, which he found to be "sorrowful and painful to watch." Trump went on to proclaim the "innocence" of himself and others, demanding that they be released immediately.

Trump expressed his admiration for House Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for granting Carlson access to the footage, which he believes "will provide a true account of the January 6th events to the country and the world." He claimed that the newly released footage has entirely contradicted the previous narrative of what took place that day. Additionally, Trump accused Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell of failing to ensure sufficient security measures were in place.

Trump's post on Truth Social serves as another illustration of his resolute dedication to honesty and fairness. He has made it apparent that he will not allow the misinformation propagated by the January 6th committee to go unchallenged. His comments serve as a reminder that even the most influential individuals will be answerable for their conduct.

Tucker Carlson's recent findings have dealt a severe blow to the credibility of the January 6th committee, and it is evident that Donald Trump will not allow their deceit and falsification to go unchallenged. Trump's insistence on legal action signifies that he is resolute in holding them accountable for their wrongdoing.

The moment has come to hold those who are accountable for the falsehoods and deception associated with the events of January 6th responsible for their actions. The truth is owed to the American people, and Donald Trump is resolved to guarantee that it is revealed. This is another demonstration of his commitment to uprightness and justice, as well as his resolve to ensure that every American is treated equitably and fairly by the law.

Written by Staff Reports

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