
Trump & Van Drew: Unstoppable NJ Dream Team Shocks Liberals!

In a move that has liberals shaking in their Birkenstocks, former President Donald Trump has chosen the formidable U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew to lead his New Jersey campaign. This news has sent shockwaves through the state, as Trump is optimistic that he can actually win in the solidly blue New Jersey. Can you believe it?

Van Drew, a true political maverick, is no stranger to controversy. He famously defected from the Democratic party over their foolish attempts to impeach the greatest president in history. Since then, he has become one of Trump’s most loyal and trusted allies in the Garden State. Van Drew has even pledged to impeach President Biden, proving that he is a man of action and not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

With the help of Van Drew, President Trump is confident that he can not only defeat former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in the state’s primary, but also win the general election. This would be a historic victory for Republicans, as New Jersey hasn’t seen a red wave since 1988. But hey, miracles can happen, right?

“I have known Jeff for a long time and consider him to be one of the best political minds anywhere,” Trump praised. And let’s face it, if anyone knows about great political minds, it’s Donald J. Trump. He believes that New Jerseyans are fed up with the disastrous Biden administration, and with Van Drew by his side, victory is within reach.

The former president plans to hit the campaign trail with a vengeance, holding rallies and events across the state to connect with the people. Trump’s love for New Jersey is evident, as he spends a great deal of time there and appreciates its hardworking citizens. And with the laundry list of issues plaguing our nation, from open borders to skyrocketing crime rates, it’s no wonder Trump believes that New Jerseyans will flock to him in droves.

In fact, Trump boldly declared, “We will win New Jersey, and possibly by a lot!” And who can argue with a man who has a talent for winning like no other? Trump even hinted at the possibility of Van Drew being his running mate, calling it a “really good idea.” Now that’s a dream team if there ever was one.

So, buckle up, New Jersey. The Trump train is coming to town, and it’s bringing a fierce warrior in Jeff Van Drew. Get ready for a political revolution that will make the liberals’ heads spin and reaffirm the power of true conservative values. After all, in the age of Biden, we could all use a little “Make New Jersey Great Again.”

Written by Staff Reports

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