
Trump Vows Crusade Against Left’s War on Christianity!

Former President Donald J. Trump is at it again, folks! In a fiery and passionate speech to his supporters in Iowa, the Republican powerhouse made a big promise. He pledged to create a federal task force that will tackle the relentless and downright diabolical anti-Christian bias that has been running rampant in our great nation.

Trump made it crystal clear that this task force isn’t going to be just any old squad. No, sir! It’s going to be “led by a fully reformed Department of Justice.” That means they’ll have the best of the best working to protect Christians and religious freedom from the clutches of the leftist agenda.

But why does Trump feel the need to take such bold action, you ask? Well, according to him, the Biden administration has been using the federal government to go after people of faith. He pointed out some pretty alarming examples, like the arrest of a pro-life hero and the FBI’s plan to snoop around in Catholic churches. Yikes!

In true Trump fashion, he didn’t hold back on his criticism of President Biden, calling him “Crooked Joe Biden” and accusing his administration of persecuting Christians like never before. He even had a message for all the Catholic Americans out there: why on earth would you vote for a Democrat who’s allowing this persecution to happen?

With passion and determination in his voice, Trump declared that once he’s back in the White House, there will be no more targeting of Christians and religious believers by the government. The mission of the new task force will be to sniff out any and all illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America.

So, there you have it, folks! Former President Trump is standing up for Christians and vowing to put an end to the war on faith. With promises like these, it’s no wonder he’s got the unwavering support of so many patriotic Americans. Onward and upward, Mr. Trump!

Written by Staff Reports

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