
Trump Vows Day One Executive Orders to Crush Inflation and Restore Affordability

Former President Donald Trump is ready to roll up his sleeves and take on inflation, vowing that his first act as president will be to unleash an executive order on every cabinet secretary and agency head. According to Trump, they will be instructed to wield every tool at their disposal to combat skyrocketing prices and restore consumer affordability. While Biden continues to run the economy into the ground, Trump seems poised to give the federal government a good old-fashioned shake-up.

In a spirited speech in Asheville, North Carolina, Trump emphasized the urgency of defeating inflation. He pointed out that on his first day back in the Oval Office, he would initiate a “whole of government effort” to tackle the ballooning costs of everyday goods. With inflation recently reported to have risen again, the former president emphasized that bringing consumer prices down is a priority that will not wait. With each passing month, more Americans are feeling the pinch at the grocery store and their already-slender wallets are gasping for air.

The recent numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics would likely have Trump shaking his head. July saw the consumer price index jump to a staggering 2.9 percent compared to last year, following a three percent increase in June. Clearly, Biden’s economic policies aren’t winning any popularity contests, and it’s hard not to see why. Trump pointed out the stark reality that many Americans simply can’t afford a cart full of groceries. The price of bacon alone has seen such exorbitant rises that anyone trying to enjoy a classic breakfast might need to take out a small loan.

Trump’s comments come at a time when surveys reveal the growing concern of inflation among the electorate. One poll highlighted that a whopping 77 percent of Americans consider inflation a major issue. With food prices having surged dramatically during the Biden years—6.3 percent in 2021 and a jaw-dropping 10.4 percent in 2022—it’s clear voters are feeling the financial strain. Even the slight slowdown in 2023 isn’t enough to mask the misery of skyrocketing prices under the current administration.

As the economy continues to flounder, it seems that Trump’s promise to tackle inflation will resonate with a significant portion of the American public. The push to affix the brakes on rising living costs is not merely a campaign strategy; it’s a pledge to reignite the American dream for families who are increasingly watching their budgets dwindle. With much of the nation concerned about their financial future, Trump may just have positioned himself as the antidote to a problem that many are longing to see resolved.

Written by Staff Reports

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