
Trump vs Biden Round 2: MAGA Readies as Polls Stoke Fears

It looks like we might be in for a rematch of 2020 between the one and only former and soon-to-be-again President Donald J. Trump and the current ruler of the Washington swamp, President Joe Biden.

Now, the first big showdown is just around the corner, in the form of the Iowa Republican Caucus. Get your popcorn ready, because things are about to get interesting! This showdown will give us a taste of what’s to come in the Republican primary. But hold onto your MAGA hats, because it looks like we’re in for a chaotic general election, according to some so-called “polls.”

One of these polls, from USA TODAY/Suffolk University, is really stirring the pot. Oh boy, are they trying to stoke the flames! The poll is all about drumming up fears of a so-called “unfair” and “inaccurate” 2024 election. The headline alone is enough to make you roll your eyes: “Ahead of Jan. 6, poll flashes warning signs about 2024 election aftermath.”

The poll goes on to paint a picture of doom and gloom, suggesting that Trump supporters are just itching to cause all sorts of trouble if their guy doesn’t win. The poll claims that a bunch of GOP voters don’t trust the integrity of the election, and that these doubts could lead to protests or even worse if Trump doesn’t emerge victorious.

The poll also tries to push the narrative that there’s a “deep skepticism” among Trump supporters about the election. It even goes as far as to compare the doubts in the aftermath of the 2020 election to potential violence. 

And then there’s the whole “insurrection” angle. The poll and the write-up are really trying to milk the anniversary of January 6 for all it’s worth. They’re acting like Trump supporters are out there plotting the downfall of democracy itself.

The poll goes on to talk about how Trump supporters have no confidence in the election results, while Biden supporters are apparently all sunshine and rainbows about it. Surprise, surprise! But let’s be real here, who’s really to blame for all this division and doubt? The Democrats, of course! They’re the ones who keep pushing this “insurrection” nonsense and trying to paint Trump supporters as the big, bad boogeymen.

And let’s not forget about good old President Biden. He’s still clinging to the January 6 narrative like a lifeline, trying to make it the centerpiece of his 2024 campaign. 

Despite all the fearmongering and doom-saying, the poll actually shows Trump with a lead over Biden. That’s right, folks! Even with all the attempts to demonize Trump and his supporters, the poll still shows him coming out on top. It’s like the pollsters can’t even help themselves from admitting that Trump has the edge. The silent majority is still out there, and they’re not buying into the left’s fear tactics.

This poll is just another attempt by the liberal media to gaslight the American people and sow division. They’re trying to make it seem like Trump supporters are the real threat to democracy, when we all know it’s the left that’s been undermining our republic every step of the way.


Written by Staff Reports

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