
Trump vs DeSantis: Shocking 2024 GOP Showdown on Key Issues Revealed!

The first Republican presidential debate is just around the corner, and the candidates are gearing up to take on former President Donald Trump and stand out from the crowd. In the lead-up to the debate, the Washington Examiner has been examining key issues and where the candidates stand. From spending and debt to abortion, the economy, the border, and energy and climate change, the candidates have a lot to discuss.

One of the major issues that many Republican candidates have criticized President Joe Biden for is the increase in the national debt since he took office. Biden’s early spending on pandemic relief and other legislation has been a point of contention, and it’s likely to be a hot topic at the debate. Some Republicans have even called for an impeachment inquiry into Biden, while others have supported more conservative measures.

The candidates have also focused on the need to reform the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI. They have raised concerns about the DOJ’s labeling of parents as “domestic terrorists” and its alleged discrimination against certain Catholics. The candidates have also been forced to take a position on the DOJ’s decision to prosecute Trump, with many using the term “weaponized” to describe the department.

Another divisive issue among the candidates is abortion. They have positioned themselves on a scale of whether there is a federal role in abortion or if it should be left up to the states. This issue has already splintered the GOP field and will likely be a point of contention at the debate.

Energy and climate change are also key priorities for the candidates. They hope to position themselves as alternatives to Biden, whose policies they argue are harming economic growth and relying too heavily on China. The candidates have varying views on these topics, but they all aim to present themselves as strong opponents to Biden’s policies.

Geopolitical power, homeland security, and migration will be leading topics during the debate. The candidates must navigate the tensions between projecting American strength, reducing commitments, and maintaining alliances and friendships, particularly with Israel. This is an important issue for GOP voters, and candidates will have to appeal to the “peace through strength” crowd.

Gun control is another issue that Republicans have fiercely criticized Biden and the Democratic Party for. Many GOP candidates have labeled them as “gun control extremists” and oppose Biden’s use of executive orders to implement gun reform. While some Republicans have embraced bipartisan gun restrictions, the National Rifle Association and other groups continue to lobby against such measures.

Education has taken on a major role in the 2024 presidential election after the parental rights movement gained momentum during the pandemic. The Republican candidates largely support universal school choice and a commitment to uphold parental rights. However, there is some disagreement on whether the federal government should be involved in enacting a conservative education agenda.

Tax policy is always an important issue, and the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will likely be a topic of discussion. Many provisions in the law are scheduled to sunset after the 2024 elections, and extending those tax changes will be a legislative challenge if a Republican wins the presidency. The outcome of the elections will determine whether tax breaks are rewritten and expanded or if Democrats can implement their own tax policies.

The power of large technology companies and the need to address their control of the digital marketplace is also a top concern for Republicans. Some argue that these companies have discriminated against conservatives and that Section 230, which protects websites from being held accountable for user posts, should be removed. This issue gained attention after Trump was banned from Twitter.

The transgender issue has become a highly contentious topic in the country, and the Republican candidates largely reject many aspects of it. They oppose medical and social interventions for children and biological men competing in female sports.

The Republican Party has also criticized the military’s emphasis on diversity and inclusion, arguing that it hampers military readiness and recruitment. Current Department of Defense leaders support the policies, claiming that diversity helps create a more inclusive environment and that recruiting challenges are due to factors like less familiarity with the military among eligible individuals.

Crime and public safety have been a key focus for Republicans, who accuse Democrats of favoring reform policies over prison and putting the public at risk. This is an issue that party strategists believe can sway independent voters and energize Republicans.

The rise of artificial intelligence has brought both excitement and concern. Companies like OpenAI and Google are at the forefront of this technology, but lawmakers are keen to establish regulations to prevent misinformation and harm to voters.

Election integrity and the size of the federal government are two upcoming issues that will be discussed leading up to the debate. These topics have significant implications for future policies and will undoubtedly feature prominently in Republican debates and campaigns.

Written by Staff Reports

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