
Trump’s Deposition: Swagger, Dodge, & World’s Hottest Brand

In a recent deposition, former President Donald Trump touted his accomplishments as a business mogul, claiming that he built a multibillion-dollar brand and saved “millions of lives” during his time as president. The testimony was part of a lawsuit filed against Trump by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who accused him and his company of defrauding banks, insurers, and others with inflated financial statements.

Trump wasted no time in asserting his innocence, calling the lawsuit a “terrible thing” and insisting that James and her staff had no case against him. He argued that the banks involved in the alleged fraud suffered no harm and were actually benefitting from their business dealings with him. Trump even took a shot at James, suggesting that her actions were stifling business in New York and ignoring more pressing issues such as violent crime.

Throughout the deposition, Trump seemed unconcerned about the accuracy of his financial statements, claiming that they were mainly for his own use and that anyone who did business with him should have been aware that they were not to be taken seriously. He even admitted that some of the numbers in the statements were “guesstimates.”

One topic that Trump was particularly proud of was his brand, which he estimated to be worth around $10 billion. He attributed his political success to the power of his name and persona, boldly stating, “I became president because of the brand, OK. I became president. I think it’s the hottest brand in the world.”

In an effort to highlight his integrity and commitment to the presidency, Trump explained that he had put his business interests into a trust to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. He also claimed that he was focused on solving global crises, such as preventing North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un from launching a nuclear attack. Trump suggested that without his leadership, the world could be on the brink of nuclear war.

This deposition was a departure from Trump’s previous appearance before James, where he invoked his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination more than 400 times. This time around, Trump seemed willing to talk at length, even though his lengthy answers were seen by some as an attempt to run out the clock.

Overall, Trump’s testimony was filled with self-praise and boasts about his properties, with him describing them as “beautiful,” “incredible,” and “phenomenal.” He claimed that if he ever decided to sell any of them, he would receive “staggering” offers.

While Trump’s deposition was full of confidence and bravado, it remains to be seen how the court will interpret his claims and determine the outcome of the lawsuit.

Written by Staff Reports

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