
Trump’s Memorial Call: Crush Marxists and Honor Fallen Heroes on Truth Social

As a proud American, President Trump is committed to supporting those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the country. On Memorial Day, he shared a message of love and gratitude to those who served our country.

In his address, Trump praised those who are in danger of being attacked and stopped the threats of terrorists and other lunatics who are working to destroy our country.

In his message to his supporters, US President Donald Trump said that the country is in danger at the moment. He urged his followers to help him stop the Marxists, fascists, and communists who are threatening the country's progress. He also asked for their help in making America great again.

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, who recently announced his candidacy for the presidency, offered remarks to honor those who gave their lives in service to the country. He talked about how he was able to reflect on the courage of these individuals and how they inspired him. He also urged people to thank those who have never met by living each day as if it were a thank you.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who is one of the candidates for the Republican Party's presidential nomination, stated on Twitter that we should never take for granted the freedoms and rights granted to us. She noted that these blessings come at a price that some of our brave servicemen and women have paid. She urged people to show their kids how to love the country.

Memorial Day is a time to remember those who gave their lives so that democracy and freedom could be protected. Americans must do all they can to honor these individuals and keep the country strong.

Source: Daily Fetched

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