
Tucker Brands Pence as ‘Creepy’ in Shocking Tell-All Biography!

Conservative news writer Jordan Schachtel has received an advanced copy of Tucker Carlson’s authorized biography, and it’s shaping up to be a juicy read. The biography includes an intriguing segment where Carlson describes his thoughts on former Vice President Mike Pence. According to Carlson, Pence is “creepy as hell” and a “totally sinister figure, craven and dishonest.” He even went as far as saying, “Everything about Pence is false.”

Carlson has known Pence for a while, dating back to his days as a CNN host where Pence was a frequent guest on his program. In his interviews for the biography, Carlson revealed that he believes Pence actively worked to undermine former President Trump and his administration. Specifically, he pointed to Pence’s role in leading the White House Coronavirus Task Force and giving Dr. Anthony Fauci free reign. According to Carlson, Pence was deployed into the administration to “undermine Trump and keep an eye on him.”

Unsurprisingly, the public response to Schachtel’s reporting has been positive. One Twitter user, Sailor, praised Carlson for shedding light on Pence’s true nature, calling him a “dark figure.” Another reader, James Cutchin, echoed the sentiment, suggesting that there were insiders sabotaging the Trump presidency from within, with Pence being the closest to the action. Although the motivations behind Pence’s actions remain unclear, many are eagerly anticipating the release of Tucker’s biography on August 1st to learn more.

On Twitter, user StopWokeCulture expressed their excitement, stating they pre-ordered a copy as soon as it was announced. Meanwhile, Ben agreed with Carlson’s assessment of Pence, calling him a face for the Establishment who uses religion as a cover.

It seems that Tucker Carlson’s authorized biography is set to reveal some intriguing details about the relationship between Carlson and Pence, providing further insight into the inner workings of the Trump administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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