
Tucker Carlson Exposes The Left’s Identity Politics Obsession

Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host and co-founder of the Daily Caller, discussed the fate of Don Lemon on Tuesday. Carlson spoke of Lemon’s comments about Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, and how they were a reflection of the “unsentimental math of identity politics.”

Carlson discussed Lemon’s 2013 comments about black communities, and then focused on his recent remarks about Haley. He noted that Haley is a member of the most protected class and that her pitch is to vote for her because she is a woman. Carlson then said that even though Lemon had “dutifully” attacked Trump supporters, it didn’t save him after his comments about Haley.

Carlson said that Lemon’s career was “a fascinating tale that illustrates the growing darkness of American liberalism, something that affects all of us.” He pointed out that Lemon had been sentenced by the “high court of wokeness” to a term in the HR gulag and to undergo sensitivity training. Carlson said that this was the first step to being “disappeared or doing late night infomercials.”

Carlson also discussed Haley’s candidacy for president, which she launched with a Wednesday speech in South Carolina. He noted that she believes in collective racial guilt, that Ukraine’s borders are more important than our own, and that identity politics is our future.

Carlson concluded by saying that this is the “unsentimental math of identity politics” and that “not all groups are created equal.” He said that this story is a reminder of how quickly the revolution can consume one of its own and how loyalty to the Democratic Party is not enough to protect someone from its relentless gears.

The story of Don Lemon serves as a warning to those who are not aware of the power of identity politics. It is a reminder that no matter how loyal one is to a certain cause, they can still be consumed by the revolution if they do not adhere to its strict rules. It is also a reminder that not all groups are created equal and that some are more protected than others.

The preceding article is a summary of an article that originally appeared on The Daily Caller

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