Tucker Carlson, the conservative talking head, recently took to Twitter to discuss the topic of transgenderism. He focused specifically on US Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, who identifies as a transgender woman. Levine recently declared this summer to be a “summer of pride” from his official position. Carlson questions why the Assistant Secretary of Health would be promoting “pride month” when it has nothing to do with his job.
Tucker Carlson Goes There on Transgenderism, and Nails Some Uncomfortable Truths https://t.co/SmSrIXsDgz
— RedState (@RedState) July 1, 2023
Carlson sarcastically remarks that apparently, 30 days of rainbow flags and public indecency isn’t enough; now we have to dedicate four months to the absurdity of “pride.” He goes on to wonder why Levine doesn’t mention his former wife and children in his pride-filled proclamation. Carlson suggests that Levine’s family may not actually be so proud of his choices, despite what he might claim.
Ep. 8 Rick from Boston is telling us he wants to be known as female Admiral Rachel Levine. Accept his lie or pay the consequences, bigot. pic.twitter.com/otDl5EITYs
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 30, 2023
The conservative commentator emphasizes an often-overlooked aspect of the transgender debate – the impact on families. Carlson points out that families, sometimes including children, can be torn apart by the decisions of one individual. But instead of sympathy, these families are often met with criticism and labeled as bigots if they don’t fully support the transition. Carlson gives his own personal editorial opinion that prioritizing the feelings and desires of a middle-aged man over those of the children he left behind is backward.
Carlson continues by remarking on Levine’s physical appearance, referring to him as a “fat guy in a Halloween costume” who somehow became the federal health minister. He highlights the irony of Levine’s transition from a married, heterosexual man lecturing about eating disorders to a “pathbreaking lady admiral” without any naval accomplishments or even being female. Carlson suggests that Levine’s motivations may not be about liberation but rather about a religious war, in which individuals who think they’re God clash with everyone else.
Going further, Carlson delves into the idea that throughout history, people have believed in the existence of unchangeable, inherent qualities of sex and gender. Only in recent years has opposition to this idea become mainstream, promoted from the highest levels of power. Individuals are expected to conform or face repercussions, such as being fired for not using preferred pronouns.
In the end, Carlson states his belief that the transgender movement is built on a desire to be one’s own god and manipulate objective reality for personal satisfaction. He argues that this perspective is unsustainable for any society and will lead to negative consequences. As a conservative writer, Carlson uses his platform to voice his concerns about the perceived dangers of transgender ideology and its potential impact on society.