
Tucker’s Final Message Reveals Biden’s Plan To DESTROY The Suburbs

In a final monologue before leaving Fox News, Tucker Carlson exposed the Biden administration’s plan to change the suburbs by getting rid of them. According to Carlson, Democrats do not need to convince voters to vote for them anymore, but instead, they are relying on importing enough people from other countries that are financially dependent on them to win elections. Democrats are specifically targeting suburban voters who elect school boards, state legislators, and members of Congress. The HOME Act, which would allow the federal government to withhold funds from local governments that do not add high-density zoning to suburbs, is one of the ways Democrats are attempting to change the suburbs permanently.

During a clip shown on the program, Vice President Kamala Harris stated that the lack of diversity in the suburbs can introduce both conscious and unconscious biases that make home appraisals less accurate and less fair. The administration’s solution is to require those who conduct appraisals for federal programs to take part in anti-bias, fair housing, and fair lending training. However, Carlson ridiculed the administration’s proposed solution, stating, “We’re just gonna brainwash the home appraisers.” Carlson questioned HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge’s anecdotal evidence that home appraisers are racist and questioned why the administration doesn’t start a program to train more black home appraisers instead.

Biden’s recent executive order, titled “Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All,” has raised concerns about the possibility of using social justice “credit scores” to force a woke agenda on individuals. The order aims to address environmental “inequities” affecting communities of color, low-income communities, and indigenous communities. The order establishes a new Environmental Justice Subcommittee and Office of Environmental Justice within the White House Council on Environmental Quality, creating an “Environmental Justice Scorecard” that presents a baseline assessment of actions taken by federal agencies in 2021 and 2022 to help achieve the Biden-Harris Administration’s environmental justice goals.

Carlson ended the segment by warning viewers that if they want to keep their suburban way of life, they need to fight back against the Biden administration’s “credit score” plots. He insisted that the administration still plans to change the suburbs forever by getting rid of them and that people need to fight back now if they want to keep their way of life. Don’t let the Biden administration take away your way of life; fight back now.

Written by Staff Reports

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