
Twitter Files Reveal Cozy Ties Between Pre-Musk Twitter and Biden Admin

The long-awaited Twitter Files have resurfaced yet again, bringing to light the curious entanglement between an ultra-liberal social media platform and the Biden administration. Under normal circumstances, one might expect a major tech platform to stand against federal pressure—however, the evidence suggests that pre-Elon Musk Twitter leaned more toward serving its government overlords than promoting free speech.

A recent investigation into these Twitter Files reveals that within weeks of Biden’s inauguration, Twitter cozied up to a “strategic advisory” firm co-chaired by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. The goal was clear: seek governmental assistance to avoid censorship issues, particularly from India. That’s right—while normal citizens tried to navigate the restrictions of social media, Twitter was spending taxpayer dollars to make sure it could keep functioning without interference from foreign governments.

As if that weren’t a wild enough plot twist, Politico noted a plethora of Biden administration appointees crooning en masse from the Albright Stonebridge group into high-level government roles. These include top positions such as deputy secretary of state and U.N. ambassador, effectively transforming the government into a revolving door for former lobbyists. It raises the eyebrow more than a little; is this the kind of independence that Twitter claimed to operate under? It seems the only thing independent was the fictitious reality propagated by Democratic operatives and their allies in the media.

The crux of the debate has been whether Twitter received palpable pressure from the federal government—specifically from the Biden camp—to conform to their censorship narrative. One Democrat, Representative Stacey Plaskett, insisted there was “real evidence” showing a lack of coordination between Twitter and the government, which now comes across as more laughable than serious. With overflowing internal emails pointing to cozy dinners and friendly chats with federal officials, the very independence the Democrats cling to seems like a mirage in the desert.

This relationship was not free of consequence. The Biden administration, using groups like the Atlantic Council—complete with its cozy connections to the CIA—was just the lobbyist kid on the block, making sure Twitter complied with censorship standards that would make even the most ardent Soviet-era bureaucrat proud. In fact, the Atlantic Council had the audacity to send Twitter lists of accounts it deemed “inauthentic” for removal, effectively labeling any speech critical of its preferred narrative as dangerous.

Interestingly enough, Twitter didn’t just end its partnership with the feds after Musk’s ascension. Instead, it found itself back on a treadmill of federal compliance when faced with global pressures—like India threatening imprisonment for its executives over compliance issues. So much for the myth that Silicon Valley stands as the bastion of free speech during the left’s “woke” crusade. Instead, it’s become just another pawn in the game of political theater—just like the rest of the Democratic agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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