
UFC Fighter Warns: Elites May Rig 2024 Against Trump!

2024 is looming large for Americans, and it’s not just the looming dread of another boring election cycle. Well-known UFC fighter Colby Covington is sounding the alarm about potential shenanigans from the establishment when it comes to the next presidential election. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, he didn’t hold back, bluntly stating that the powers that be will stop at nothing to prevent former President Donald Trump from reclaiming the Oval Office in a fair election. And let’s be honest, who can blame him?

Covington’s not alone in his suspicions. The brilliant and always insightful Tucker Carlson himself has floated the idea that the establishment might even resort to an assassination attempt against Trump – talk about crossing a line! That’s how desperate and dastardly they’ve become, folks. Tucker’s got a knack for sniffing out the liberal elite’s dirty tricks, so you better believe there’s some truth to these concerns.

And it’s not just talk of potential rigging or foul play in the upcoming election that has these conservative firebrands on high alert. They’ve got good reason to be worried. The Colorado Supreme Court recently ruled to exclude Trump from the state’s 2024 presidential primary election. That’s right, they’re trying to shut Trump out before the race even begins! And that’s not even scratching the surface of the endless efforts to undermine Trump, from the Russian collusion hoax to God knows what else.

But why all the hatred and fear from the establishment? It’s simple, really. They can’t stand the fact that Trump just keeps getting more and more popular. The hatred is real, and so is the fear. They’re terrified that Trump’s return to the White House would mean game over for their liberal agenda.

So, in the face of all these shameless attempts to derail Trump, Covington and Carlson are asking the million-dollar question: What dastardly move will the swamp-dwellers pull next? It’s a fair question. With Trump’s enemies resorting to every dirty trick in the book, there’s no telling what they’ll try next.

It’s clear that Americans who value truth and justice need to stand up and support those who dare to speak out against the corrupt establishment. The Western Journal is leading that charge, and they need your support to keep fighting the good fight. The liberal elites are trying to silence them, but with your help, they can keep exposing the truth and fighting for traditional American values. A small contribution to The Western Journal is a small sacrifice to stand up against the powers that be. It’s time to take a stand, America!

Written by Staff Reports

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