
UFOs vs Biden Scandal: CNN’s Bizarre Bias Exposed in Heated Interview!

In a truly bizarre turn of events, Hunter Biden somehow managed to be entangled in a discussion about UFOs. And where else could this happen but on CNN? David Grusch, an experienced Air Force intelligence officer, revealed mind-blowing evidence of UFOs and the possibility of intelligent life. He claimed that the military attempted to reverse engineer technology recovered from crash sites, but he was denied access and accused the military of misusing funds to avoid congressional oversight.

Then came CNN’s Sara Sidner, who invited Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) to discuss this testimony. But of course, the conversation quickly shifted to Hunter Biden. Sidner desperately tried to push the narrative that there is no evidence connecting Joe Biden to his son’s questionable business dealings. However, Rep. Burchett efficiently pointed out the FBI’s report, which clearly indicated that Joe and Hunter received $5 million each from Burisma in 2015-16, along with recorded phone calls and records of bribes.

Sidner, being the loyal CNN soldier, vehemently denied the existence of any evidence. Rep. Burchett simply stated the obvious: CNN is a biased, left-wing media outlet. It’s like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube – everyone knows what it is. But of course, Sidner wasn’t too thrilled to be called out on her network’s blatant bias. She tried to defend herself, but no one in their right mind believes her anyway.

At that point, Sidner abruptly ended the interview. Was it because she had reached the end of the segment, or was it to avoid being embarrassed on national television for exposing CNN’s bias? We’ll let you decide.

What truly astonishes the author, however, is the fact that evidence of UFOs is somehow taken more seriously than the mountain of evidence against Hunter and Joe Biden. Two IRS whistleblowers, an FBI report, and a slew of incriminating evidence have all been conveniently dismissed as unverifiable. It’s enough to make your head spin. But let’s not forget the infamous Steele Dossier, which was entirely unverified and debunked, but still treated as the gospel truth by the liberal media. This dossier launched the baseless Russian collusion hoax against Donald Trump.

And let’s not overlook Rep. Dan Goldman’s unintentional destruction of the Biden defense when his line of questioning led to the admission that Joe was indeed involved in his son’s questionable dealings. Oh, and don’t forget about Devon Archer, a former associate of Hunter Biden, who will testify to Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s negotiations.

But hey, who needs facts and evidence when you have CNN? This network couldn’t even properly verify a simple time stamp on an email that ended up debunking one of their many Trump-Russia “bombshells.” It’s just par for the course.

Written by Staff Reports

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