
Unanimous SCOTUS Ruling Stumps Libs: States Can’t Ban Candidates!

In a recent Supreme Court decision, the justices ruled unanimously, yes, you heard that right, unanimously, that states cannot ban a presidential candidate from the ballot. Talk about a smackdown for states trying to overstep their boundaries! This didn’t sit well with the liberal media, who are probably still spinning in circles trying to cope with this loss.

Some liberal commentators, including the likes of Keith Olbermann and CNN’s Joan Biscupic, tried to make this sound like a narrow “5-4” decision. Seriously? It was a resounding 9-0 judgment, folks! The attempt to keep Trump off the ballot crashed and burned, and the left just can’t handle it. But hey, when have facts ever gotten in the way of a good liberal narrative, right?

The liberal media’s meltdown was on full display as they scrambled to paint the Court’s decision as controversial. They conveniently ignored the fact that the ruling was a clear statement in support of constitutional principles and against states playing games with ballot access. The justices were crystal clear that states shouldn’t be creating a chaotic, jumbled mess of ballot rules. Can you imagine a different set of rules in every state? Yikes!

Even with some justices noting Congress’s role in enforcement, the bottom line remains: unanimous judgment. Justice Amy Coney Barrett shut down any attempts to twist the narrative, emphasizing the rare unity of all nine justices on this decision. But leave it to the liberal media to miss the forest for the trees. They’re so caught up in their anti-Trump frenzy that they can’t acknowledge a common sense ruling.

In the end, it’s a win for the rule of law and the integrity of elections. The liberal media’s desperate attempts to salvage a sliver of hope from this unanimous ruling only highlight their bias and willingness to distort the facts. But hey, at least we can always count on Senator Ted Cruz to bring some laughter to the situation. Keep spinning, liberals, while the rest of us enjoy the victory for fairness and constitutional rights!

Written by Staff Reports

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