
Unhinged Cyclist Torches Trump Sign: Left’s War on Free Speech Escalates

In a shocking display of intolerant behavior, a cyclist in Raleigh, North Carolina was caught on camera setting fire to a man’s “Trump won” sign. It’s an unfortunate reminder of the divisive politics that have permeated our country.

The incident took place in the early morning hours of August 12, when a cyclist on a white bike stopped by the property. Dressed in a black and green shirt, this deranged individual proceeded to kick the sign multiple times before making a cowardly exit. However, that wasn’t enough for this unhinged individual.

The following morning, around 4 a.m., the cyclist returned, armed with what appeared to be a kitchen lighter. This time, his intention was clear – he wanted to burn down the sign. Luckily, the fire didn’t spread to the rest of the property, but the brazen act of vandalism is still deeply troubling.

Raleigh resident John Kane, the victim of this attack, took to social media to share the incident and offer a $1,000 reward for information leading to the identification of the arsonist. While it’s admirable that Kane is taking action, it’s disheartening to see the lengths people are willing to go to suppress free speech and inflict harm on those with differing opinions.

Podcast host Tim Pool, in a show of solidarity against this unwarranted violence, pledged an additional $5,000 to the reward for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the arsonist. It’s heartening to see people standing up against the left’s rampant intolerance and holding these criminals accountable.

Online sleuths quickly got to work, pointing out that the perpetrator had distinguishing tattoos on his forearm, making him easily identifiable. This, combined with the fact that he is likely a neighbor in close proximity to the targeted property, gives investigators a solid lead. It’s only a matter of time before justice is served.

This disturbing incident serves as a reminder that tolerance and acceptance should be bipartisan values. It’s crucial that we, as conservatives, stand firm against violence and intimidation. Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of our democracy, and it’s disappointing to see the left resorting to such drastic measures to silence their political opponents.

As this story unfolds, it is a stark reminder of the increasing polarization in our nation. It’s high time for us to come together, regardless of political affiliation, and find common ground. We must condemn these acts of violence and ensure that every citizen feels safe expressing their opinions, regardless of how unpopular they may be among the intolerant left.

Written by Staff Reports

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