
Union Strike Crushing the Life Out of US Manufacturing Remnants!

The UAW strike against the Big Three automakers in Detroit is causing major problems for what remains of U.S. manufacturing. This strike is historic because it’s the first time the UAW has gone on strike against all three automakers at the same time. Nearly one in 10 of America’s unionized auto workers went on strike on September 15 to demand higher wages and better benefits.

But what the UAW fails to realize is that their excessive demands will only hurt the American automotive industry even more. The industry is already grappling with record-high inflation and the costly transition to electric vehicles. The UAW is asking for a 36 percent wage hike over four years, the elimination of the two-tier wage model, defined benefit pension plans for all employees, a four-day work week, and more job protections. These demands are simply unreasonable and will only put more strain on the industry.

As the strike continues, the costs will keep piling up for both the workers and the companies. This will ultimately lead to higher prices for vehicles, making them unaffordable for most Americans. Over the past five years, the number of small cars selling for less than $20,000 has drastically decreased. And with the chip shortage and inflation, the average price of a new vehicle has reached a staggering $50,000. On top of that, auto finance delinquencies are on the rise and used car prices remain extremely high.

To make matters worse, the Biden administration is completely out of touch with middle-class Americans by pushing for a swift transition to electric vehicles. This plan puts thousands of jobs at risk and ignores the fact that most Americans cannot afford electric vehicles. Despite the economic impracticality, the administration continues to force this agenda onto American automakers and consumers.

Overall, the UAW strike and the push for electric vehicles are detrimental to what little is left of U.S. manufacturing. The industry has already seen many jobs moved overseas for cheaper labor and a non-unionized workforce. Hopefully, a resolution can be reached soon that satisfies the hard-working Americans in the auto industry without causing further economic harm to the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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